Experience and Training
​Colin started singing at a very early age and has always loved it. Since studying for his music degree, he has taught piano and singing in various institutions and for all ages including teaching singing technique at Arts Ed in West London, delivering 1-1 singing lessons to Musical Theatre Degree students in one of the country's top Musical Theatre training schools. Arts Ed provides performers into the West End.
He also runs his own company (Big Noise Chorus Ltd) which aims to bring the highest quality singing possible to mixed voice, non-auditioned choirs in the South West, and he regularly meets with speech language therapists to share current vocal techniques between artists and scientists.
In January 2015, he has become involved in a project working with Speech and Language Therapists in the world's first study examining whether singing technique can be proven to aid in the feminisation of the voice for transgender clients.

Coronavirus Update
Due to the restrictions of COVID, 1-1 and workshops are sessions are offered on Zoom. Live sessions will resume once government guidelines allow.
Continuing Professional Development
Regular training alongside Speech and Language Therapists at Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital with voice specialists to ensure that technical and vocal knowledge is up to date.
Musical Director, Big Noise Chorus Ltd, Devon
​2009 - present
Musical Director, Big Noise Chorus Ltd, Devon: 2009-present
Managing and running a small company with 10 team members and over 400 clients. Delivering ensemble and vocal technique sessions to adult choirs (up to 140 at a time) singing pop, rock and musical theatre pieces. As Musical Director, duties include arranging/conducting rehearsals and concerts around the Southwest joining with other ensemble groups, bands and performers. Since humble beginnings (20 singers in the first choir), Colin now has 4 choirs with over 400 singers in total and employs freelance musicians within the company. See www.bignoisechorus.co.uk.
Singing Technique Teacher at Arts Ed Schools, London
Teaching singing technique to undergraduate Musical theatre students in on of the country's leading triple-threat training institutions. Arts Ed regularly supplies performers into the West End and the performing Arts industry. The position requires having a sound and up to date knowledge of singing technique. Primary duties are delivering 1-1 sessions to help students achieve their highest vocal potential, removing strain from the voice through technique to enable sustainable voice use.
Singing Lecturer, Exeter College
​Delivering singing modules for Performing Arts students aged 16-18. Duties included MD work for end of year productions, delivering voice technique as well as ensemble work and preparing students for audition.
Self-employed singing teacher
Recent work highlights:
Freelance vocal workshops for Cirque Bijou culminating in a performance involving 800 voices - Bromsgrove, Summer 2014.
Choir leading for world premiere of company Extraordinary Bodies and Diverse City's show, Weighting - Exeter, Autumn 2013.
Performed with Exeter Festival Chorus
Sang under the tutelage of Nigel Perrin (previously with the Kings' Singers). Highlights include performing at Carnegie Hall, New York (2009), singing solo at Exeter cathedral in Duke Ellington's Sacred Concert alongside Jacqui Dankworth (2012). Performing in Rennes and Nantes (France), and around the UK.
Singing Teacher, Stagecoach Theatre Arts
Delivering singing technique and ensemble classes for ages 6-18. MD for various local productions as well as preparing children's choirs for the Bill Kenwright tour of Joseph (2007-2013), Evita (2010), and Ellen Kent Touring Opera (2009-2012). Delivered singing summer workshops in Spain, Egypt and Cyprus for ages 6-18 (2006-2010).

Certificate of Education - Plymouth University
BA (HONS) Music - Dartington College of Arts (Plymouth Universtity)
Piano - ABRSM Grades 1-6